Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Spread me like a wet pickle.

I guess you're wondering about the akward title right? Yes yes, i'm sure you are. Well i just can't seem to muster up the want to tell you, so haHA! Joking, it was just something i heard from my best friend Gunnar.

Anyways, so it's wednesday. My favorite day of the week. Why you ask? Well, i get to see all of my friends at youth, and it's just Hump Day! My day was actually alright. I woke up at ten, and you know, spaced it a bit, and took a shower. Went down to my old school to visit my friends. Which turned into a trip to Jack In The Box and then the mall. Which at the mall, i bought a Harry Potter necklace that has a cool Ministry of Magic pendendant. Dorky right? Well for HP, i'll risk being a dork. And then i went to my 3:30 class and went to youth after.

I haven't yet mentioned the 'Haunted House' the youth is putting on for Halloween, it's going to be awesome! I wish all of you could go. But only so i could scare the crap out of you and give you a bad time about it later. I'll be putting alot of time into helping build that and also just get ready for it. Good thing though, i'm glad i'll be staying busy.

I ran across a video i watched on youtube not too long ago again today, and i thought i'd share it. It's a tribute to Boys Don't Cry with the song "9 Crimes" by Damien Rice. Warning though, it does have spoilers and slight nudity, but it's an amazing video. And the movie will change your life.

And one more thing before i jog off [hahaha], if you haven't already found Arlan's blog YDLM, click the link on my page. Your Daily Lesbian Moment is one of the best blogs on here yet! And tell her Allison sent you if you do. :P

Kick ass and take names,

- A.

1 comment:

arlan said...


so whats up with this accent, my dear? do tell...